Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Four frames and leadership in situation

The leadership in situations (Foster , Goertzen, Nollette, & Nollette, 2013) the leader has to make difference among different activities of the team. For instance, in downtime when the leader cannot use control and command, it is an activity of work but not related with the mission. Actually, situational leadership has new elements, for example the workforce in safety activities is more educated. The emotional intelligence is a concept present across all lectures, it is a main component between leader and follower relationship.

    Interpersonal and dynamic groups chapter (Bolman & Deal, 2008) treats deeper emotional intelligence. The EI in this chapter is focusing to relations could be open or close. Internal groups are related to subcultures or informal organizations. In fact, they affect the making decision process. Leadership that gets results (Goleman, 2000) proposes six leadership styles at a glance as coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching, from the different components of emotional intelligence as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skill. Leaders must analyze the stress reactions and situations as EI’s element. Therefore, the leader should understand each situation by separate and choosing a leadership style to solve the situation.

Leadership has challenges related with EI, the challenges of begin the chief (Foster , Goertzen, Nollette, & Nollette, 2013) suggests that a leader in public safety in able to use several leadership styles as servant leadership which puts the people as vital or essence in an organization. Also, this chapter shows the four frames to understand how making decisions, and analyzing organizations to adapt the organization. I believe that it is completely related with leadership in situation because to adapt completely an organization, and understanding the relation throw-in and throw-out, the leader must understand the context, and skills, hopes and believes of followers.

The four frames is an useful tool to understand organizational context, the book reframing organizations (Bolman & Deal, 2008) in the chapters 6 (the human resources frame), chapter 7 (improving human resources management), and chapter 8 (interpersonal and dynamics groups) links leadership and management on the perspective the human interactions. Human resources assumptions can be interpreted as the relation between leader and follower in a relation wins-wins. The leader understands human needs, personality, and organizational expectations. I strongly agree with the organizations (leaders and followers) should interpret changes and loyalty. The changes for the future in terms of relationship can be understand by four frames but actually the organization are more focusing in save money, this reduce the loyalty the people and the experience in the long term, in this way the survival of the organizations.

I agree with the improving of the human resources management (Bolman & Deal, 2008) through of hiring the best employees, formation, and communication but we can summarize these elements in motivation. I would like link the symbolic frame with the frame that we are treating the human resources frame because the motivation could be the main element to engage the best people, and to encourage the followers to accomplish the goals. The motivation joins education, family, relationships, etc. Motivation is a feeling powerful to better improves relationships between people within organization.


Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (2008). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Foster , D., Goertzen, B., Nollette, C., & Nollette, F. (2013). Emergency services leadership a contemporary approach. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership that gets results. Harvard Business Review .

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